Holy Crap! A Poop Prompt!

I have to write about this shit.

Stephen Sovie
3 min readSep 12, 2024


Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Other than writing an article about diarrhea, I haven’t written about poop or even thought about it. But after reading Roz Warren, Writing Coach’s Poop Prompt, I have decided to rise to the challenge. Some people have said I don’t know shit, so here’s my attempt to prove them wrong.

Roz had correctly stated that poop is a part of life. Even so, many think reading or writing about it is uncouth. I beg to differ. Medium is way ahead of its time, allowing writers to write about poop, or whatever you want to call it.

For my entire lifetime, I have dealt with excrement, human or otherwise. Naturally, as an infant, I shit my diapers regularly. When I was potty trained, my mother asked me if I had to go number two or go potty. As a toddler, I simply said I had to poop. Some of my toddler friends joked about “doo-doo.” As a preteen, I became daring and used the word shit, far from my parents’ ears.

From childhood to the present, I have always had a dog and had to pick up dog shit all the time. I also had to clean up poop from a variety of other pets I had. I remember running through cow pastures, dodging cow pies, or cow shit, looking for puff balls.

When I grew up, graduated college, and chose a career in the medical field, specifically Pathology, I…



Stephen Sovie

A liberal retiree who loves writing about politics, social issues, my pets and my life experiences. You can buy me coffee here, https://ko-fi.com/stephensovie