As If Anyone Cares,

I’m changing the way I use Medium

Stephen Sovie
2 min readDec 30, 2021

I’m going to start the New Year with a new way in which I will be using Medium. Previously I self published my articles or published them to a select few publications. I also wrote and maintained 3 blogs away from Medium. I had 2 blogs on Blogger and 1 on WordPress. Sometimes I would publish on my blog and then republish it here on Medium.

I have recently moved 2 of my blogs to WordPress, but kept one on Blogger. I created publications on Medium with the same names of the blogs I operate on WordPress. I plan to publish first on my off Medium blogs and then republish the articles on my pages here. I don’t know if this will make a difference to anyone except for me, but it will make my life much easier.

My new publications on Medium are Cattle Dog Kids and Stevesovie Thinks, if anyone is interested. They share the same name and content as my blogs of the same names. These will join my Medium blog, Stephen Sovie’s Blog, as my personal publications. I also will continue to publish on Rogues’ Gallery from time to time.

I hope some of you will check out my publications and if you like them, please follow them. Thanks for your time and support.

The following are blogs I maintain on other platforms:

Stevesovie Thinks

Cattle Dog Kids

Stephen Sovie’s Blog

Retired in Malaysia which is the first blog I started when I lived in Malaysia.



Stephen Sovie

A liberal retiree who loves writing about politics, social issues, my pets and my life experiences. You can buy me coffee here,